Changing Mind or Changing My Point of View

Posted: February 6, 2014 in Curcol

This is my word for the last few posts that I have made. Overall, this not my style, presenting everything in formal why. I can feel the way I write is so strict, flat and quite formal especially I used Bahasa Indonesia for all of my posts in this blog. What comes into my mind now, how about I use English, yeah, despite this is an International Language, of course it will accepted globally. But my concern actually to practice how to use English in expressing my idea. I believe that my little blog just read by very few people. I don’t know exactly whether my post have been read or it have been access by someone out there, but the important things for now, I want to express myself. This is me. This my style. I like to write something purely from my mind. Even though I cannot guarantee that my writing here will be grammatically correct, but as I belief in my self, I and my writing just a part of learning process, process to become more greater, better and than become the best of mine. I can perform the best yet, but as the time past everything will come to the surface and it will show me the result for my first step to convert my writing style.

I will do it in more casual way, will more fictional information but I promised to present the fictional things that inspired by the factual event. Just doing so to avoid the embarrassment of myself, my friends, my cities, my country and also my heart. Laughing then, I will reveal the most important things in my mind, that is the joke, the funniest plot of story, the casual and “lebay” way to delivering or to convey a post here. Maaf jika nantinya tulisan di sini terkesan melebihkan atau menghambur-hamburkan hayalan, tapi percayalah biginilah yang terbaik bagi saya saat ini. Perasaan tuk berusaha formal ternyata sulit, seperti beberapa orang perofessor yang tak mampu melulusi test kecakapan bahasa Indonesia yang baik dan benar, begitupun saya, saya rasa sebuah karya yang lebih bermakna akan hadir dari ujaran dan tuturan kata yang mengalir dnegan begitu saja, bukan susunan kata yang tertata rapi dengan mengikuti aturan baku meski tak ada yang dapat membuktikan kebakuan dari kata-kata saya tersebut. Let’s everything flows freely and finally it can fell free to get your heart. I really understand that something that comes from the heart will arrive in others hearts, something that we enjoy to do, the people will enjoy our works also. It is no a matter of correctness or appropriateness, this is jus a matter of freeness. Here the time to change the mind.

Thanks for Reading.Smile

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